Class TokenSampleStream

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AutoCloseable, ObjectStream<TokenSample>

    public class TokenSampleStream
    extends FilterObjectStream<String,​TokenSample>
    This class is a stream filter which reads in string encoded samples and creates TokenSamples out of them. The input string sample is tokenized if a whitespace or the special separator chars occur.

    "token1 token2 token3<SPLIT>token4"
    The tokens token1 and token2 are separated by a whitespace, token3 and token3 are separated by the special character sequence, in this case the default split sequence.

    The sequence must be unique in the input string and is not escaped.

    • Method Detail

      • read

        public TokenSample read()
                         throws IOException
        Description copied from interface: ObjectStream
        Returns the next object. Calling this method repeatedly until it returns null will return each object from the underlying source exactly once.
        the next object or null to signal that the stream is exhausted
        IOException - if there is an error during reading