Package related to part-of-speech tagging.
Interface Summary Interface Description MutableTagDictionary Interface that allowsTagDictionary
entries to be added and removed.POSContextGenerator Interface for aBeamSearchContextGenerator
used in POS tagging.POSTagger The interface for part of speech taggers.POSTaggerEvaluationMonitor A marker interface for evaluatingpos taggers
.TagDictionary Interface to determine which tags are valid for a particular word based on a tag dictionary. -
Class Summary Class Description ConfigurablePOSContextGenerator A configurablecontext generator
for aPOSTagger
.DefaultPOSContextGenerator A defaultcontext generator
for aPOSTagger
.DefaultPOSSequenceValidator The default POS taggerSequenceValidator
implementation.POSDictionary Provides a means of determining which tags are valid for a particular word based on aTagDictionary
read from a file.POSEvaluator ThePOSEvaluator
measures the performance of the givenPOSTagger
with the provided referencesamples
.POSModel POSSample Represents an pos-taggedsentence
.POSSampleEventStream POSSampleSequenceStream ASequenceStream
implementation encapsulatingsamples
.POSTaggerCrossValidator POSTaggerFactory The factory that providesPOSTagger
default implementations and resources.POSTaggerFactory.POSDictionarySerializer POSTaggerME Apart-of-speech tagger
that uses maximum entropy.WordTagSampleStream A stream filter which reads a sentence per line which contains words and tags inword_tag
format and outputs aPOSSample