Apache OpenNLP Tools 2.3.2 API
Package related to finding non-recursive syntactic annotation such as noun phrase chunks.
Classes giving access to the opennlp.tools.lemmatizer functionalities.
Package related to common interfaces used in different contexts.
Package related to parsing and storing dictionaries.
Package for classifying a document into a category.
Package related to linking entities to external data sources.
Experimental package related to converting various corpora to OpenNLP Format.
Experimental package related to the
Arvores Deitadas corpus
format.Experimental package related to the corpus format used by the "brat rapid annotation tool" (brat).
Experimental package related to the CoNNL-U format.
Experimental package related to the French Treebank format.
Experimental package related to the Irish Sentence Bank format.
Experimental package related to the
corpus format.Experimental package related to the
corpus format.Experimental package related to the
corpus format.Experimental package related to the
corpus format.Experimental package related to the National corpus of Polish
format.Experimental package related to the OntoNotes 4.0 format.
Package related to predicting languages from samples of text.
Package related to language models
Package related to the lemmatizer functionality.
Package contains a
adapter for internal use only.Package related to Machine Learning (ML) features of OpenNLP, the related ML models, and trainers.
Package related to ML by means of the Maximum Entropy (ME) algorithm.
Package related to the I/O functionality of the maxent package including reading
and writing models in several formats.
Package related to ML by means of the Quasi Newton (QN) algorithm.
Package related to ML models and feature selection techniques.
Package related to ML by means of the Naive Bayes algorithm.
Package related to ML by means of the perceptron algorithm.
Package related to finding proper names and numeric amounts.
Package related to computing and storing n-gram frequencies.
Package containing common code for performing full syntactic parsing.
Package containing code for performing full syntactic parsing using shift/reduce-style decisions.
Package containing experimental code for performing full syntactic
parsing using attachment decisions.
Package related to part-of-speech tagging.
Package related to identifying sentence boundaries.
Package related to the processing of Thai data.
Contains classes related to finding token or words in a string.
Package containing utility data structures and algorithms used by multiple other packages.
Package containing extension loading code.
This package contains classes for generating sequence features.