Class ADSentenceStream

All Implemented Interfaces:
AutoCloseable, ObjectStream<ADSentenceStream.Sentence>

@Internal public class ADSentenceStream extends FilterObjectStream<String,ADSentenceStream.Sentence>
Stream filter which merges text lines into sentences, following the Arvores Deitadas syntax.

Information about the format:
Susana Afonso. "Árvores deitadas: Descrição do formato e das opções de análise na Floresta Sintáctica".
12 de Fevereiro de 2006.

Note: Do not use this class, internal use only!

  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • read

      public ADSentenceStream.Sentence read() throws IOException
      Description copied from interface: ObjectStream
      Returns the next ObjectStream object. Calling this method repeatedly until it returns null will return each object from the underlying source exactly once.
      The next object or null to signal that the stream is exhausted.
      IOException - Thrown if there is an error during reading.