Schnittstelle AdaptiveFeatureGenerator

Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
AdditionalContextFeatureGenerator, AggregatedFeatureGenerator, BigramNameFeatureGenerator, BrownBigramFeatureGenerator, BrownTokenClassFeatureGenerator, BrownTokenFeatureGenerator, CachedFeatureGenerator, CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator, DictionaryFeatureGenerator, DocumentBeginFeatureGenerator, InSpanGenerator, OutcomePriorFeatureGenerator, PosTaggerFeatureGenerator, POSTaggerNameFeatureGenerator, PrefixFeatureGenerator, PreviousMapFeatureGenerator, PreviousTwoMapFeatureGenerator, SentenceFeatureGenerator, SuffixFeatureGenerator, TokenClassFeatureGenerator, TokenFeatureGenerator, TokenPatternFeatureGenerator, TrigramNameFeatureGenerator, WindowFeatureGenerator, WordClusterFeatureGenerator

public interface AdaptiveFeatureGenerator
An interface for generating features for name entity identification and for updating document level contexts.

Feature generation is not thread safe and a instance of a feature generator must only be called from one thread. The resources used by a feature generator are typically shared between many instances of features generators which are called from many threads and have to be thread safe.

  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    default void
    Informs a feature generator that the context of the adaptive data (typically a document) is no longer valid.
    createFeatures(List<String> features, String[] tokens, int index, String[] previousOutcomes)
    Adds the appropriate features for the token at the specified index with the specified array of previousOutcomes to the specified list of features.
    default void
    updateAdaptiveData(String[] tokens, String[] outcomes)
    Informs a feature generator that the specified tokens have been classified with the corresponding set of specified outcomes.
  • Methodendetails

    • createFeatures

      void createFeatures(List<String> features, String[] tokens, int index, String[] previousOutcomes)
      Adds the appropriate features for the token at the specified index with the specified array of previousOutcomes to the specified list of features.
      features - The list of features to be added to.
      tokens - The tokens of the sentence or other text unit being processed.
      index - The index of the token which is currently being processed.
      previousOutcomes - The outcomes for the tokens prior to the specified index.
    • updateAdaptiveData

      default void updateAdaptiveData(String[] tokens, String[] outcomes)
      Informs a feature generator that the specified tokens have been classified with the corresponding set of specified outcomes.
      tokens - The tokens of the sentence or other text unit which has been processed.
      outcomes - The outcomes associated with the specified tokens.
    • clearAdaptiveData

      default void clearAdaptiveData()
      Informs a feature generator that the context of the adaptive data (typically a document) is no longer valid.