
Package related to resolution techniques for coreference resolution.


Interface Summary
NonReferentialResolver Provides the interface for a object to provide a resolver with a non-referential probability.
Resolver Interface for coreference resolvers.

Class Summary
AbstractResolver Default implementation of some methods in the Resolver interface.
CommonNounResolver Resolves coreference between common nouns.
DefaultNonReferentialResolver Default implementation of the NonReferentialResolver interface.
DefiniteNounResolver Resolves coreference between definite noun-phrases.
FixedNonReferentialResolver Implementation of non-referential classifier which uses a fixed-value threshold.
IsAResolver Resolves coreference between appositives.
MaxentResolver Provides common functionality used by classes which implement the Resolver class and use maximum entropy models to make resolution decisions.
PerfectResolver Resolver used in training to update the discourse model based on the coreference annotation.
PluralNounResolver Resolves coreference between plural nouns.
PluralPronounResolver Resolves coreference between plural pronouns and their referents.
ProperNounResolver Resolves coreference between proper nouns.
ResolverUtils This class provides a set of utilities for turning mentions into normalized strings and features.
SingletonNonReferentialResolver This class allows you to share a single instance of a non-referential resolver among several resolvers.
SingularPronounResolver This class resolver singular pronouns such as "he", "she", "it" and their various forms.
SpeechPronounResolver Resolves pronouns specific to quoted speech such as "you", "me", and "I".

Enum Summary
ResolverMode Enumerated type specifying the modes if a resolver.

Package Description

Package related to resolution techniques for coreference resolution.

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