Class Parse

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Parse​(String text, Span span, String type, double p, int index)
      Creates a new parse node for this specified text and span of the specified type with the specified probability and the specified head index.
      Parse​(String text, Span span, String type, double p, Parse h)
      Creates a new parse node for this specified text and span of the specified type with the specified probability and the specified head and head index.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void add​(Parse daughter, HeadRules rules)  
      static void addNames​(String tag, Span[] names, Parse[] tokens)
      Utility method to inserts named entities.
      void addNextPunctuation​(Parse punct)
      Designates that the specified punctuation follows this parse.
      void addPreviousPunctuation​(Parse punct)
      Designates that the specified punctuation should is prior to this parse.
      void addProb​(double logProb)
      Adds the specified probability log to this current log for this parse.
      Parse adjoin​(Parse sister, HeadRules rules)
      Sister adjoins this node's last child and the specified sister node and returns their new parent node.
      Parse adjoinRoot​(Parse node, HeadRules rules, int parseIndex)  
      Object clone()  
      Parse clone​(Parse node)
      Clones the right frontier of parse up to the specified node.
      Parse cloneRoot​(Parse node, int parseIndex)
      Clones the right frontier of this root parse up to and including the specified node.
      int compareTo​(Parse p)  
      boolean complete()
      Returns whether this parse is complete.
      boolean equals​(Object obj)  
      void expandTopNode​(Parse root)  
      static void fixPossesives​(Parse parse)  
      int getChildCount()
      Returns the number of children for this parse node.
      Parse[] getChildren()
      Returns the child constituents of this constituent .
      Parse getCommonParent​(Parse node)
      Returns the deepest shared parent of this node and the specified node.
      String getCoveredText()  
      StringBuffer getDerivation()
      Returns the derivation string for this parse if one has been created.
      Parse getHead()
      Returns the head constituent associated with this constituent.
      int getHeadIndex()
      Returns the index within a sentence of the head token for this parse.
      String getLabel()
      Returns the label assigned to this parse node during parsing which specifies how this node will be formed into a constituent.
      Collection<Parse> getNextPunctuationSet()
      Returns the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately after this parse.
      Parse getParent()
      Returns the parent parse node of this constituent.
      Collection<Parse> getPreviousPunctuationSet()
      Returns the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately before this parse.
      double getProb()
      Returns the log of the product of the probability associated with all the decisions which formed this constituent.
      Span getSpan()
      Returns the character offsets for this constituent.
      Parse[] getTagNodes()
      Returns the parse nodes which are children of this node and which are pos tags.
      double getTagSequenceProb()
      Returns the probability associated with the pos-tag sequence assigned to this parse.
      String getText()
      Returns the text of the sentence over which this parse was formed.
      Parse[] getTokenNodes()  
      String getType()
      Returns the constituent label for this node of the parse.
      int hashCode()  
      int indexOf​(Parse child)
      Returns the index of this specified child.
      void insert​(Parse constituent)
      Inserts the specified constituent into this parse based on its text span.This method assumes that the specified constituent can be inserted into this parse.
      boolean isChunk()  
      void isChunk​(boolean ic)  
      boolean isFlat()
      Returns true if this constituent contains no sub-constituents.
      boolean isPosTag()
      Indicates whether this parse node is a pos-tag.
      static Parse parseParse​(String parse)
      Parses the specified tree-bank style parse string and return a Parse structure for that string.
      static Parse parseParse​(String parse, GapLabeler gl)
      Parses the specified tree-bank style parse string and return a Parse structure for that string.
      static void pruneParse​(Parse parse)
      Prune the specified sentence parse of vacuous productions.
      void remove​(int index)  
      void setChild​(int index, String label)
      Replaces the child at the specified index with a new child with the specified label.
      void setDerivation​(StringBuffer derivation)
      Specifies the derivation string to be associated with this parse.
      void setLabel​(String label)
      Assigns this parse the specified label.
      void setNextPunctuation​(Collection<Parse> punctSet)
      Sets the set of punctuation tags which follow this parse.
      void setParent​(Parse parent)
      Specifies the parent parse node for this constituent.
      void setPrevPunctuation​(Collection<Parse> punctSet)
      Sets the set of punctuation tags which preceed this parse.
      void setType​(String type)
      Set the type of this constituent to the specified type.
      void show()
      Displays this parse using Penn Treebank-style formatting.
      void show​(StringBuffer sb)
      Appends the specified string buffer with a string representation of this parse.
      void showCodeTree()
      Prints to standard out a representation of the specified parse which contains hash codes so that parent/child relationships can be explicitly seen.
      String toString()
      Represents this parse in a human readable way.
      void updateHeads​(HeadRules rules)
      Computes the head parses for this parse and its sub-parses and stores this information in the parse data structure.
      void updateSpan()  
      static void useFunctionTags​(boolean uft)
      Specifies whether function tags should be included as part of the constituent type.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Parse

        public Parse​(String text,
                     Span span,
                     String type,
                     double p,
                     int index)
        Creates a new parse node for this specified text and span of the specified type with the specified probability and the specified head index.
        text - The text of the sentence for which this node is a part of.
        span - The character offsets for this node within the specified text.
        type - The constituent label of this node.
        p - The probability of this parse.
        index - The token index of the head of this parse.
      • Parse

        public Parse​(String text,
                     Span span,
                     String type,
                     double p,
                     Parse h)
        Creates a new parse node for this specified text and span of the specified type with the specified probability and the specified head and head index.
        text - The text of the sentence for which this node is a part of.
        span - The character offsets for this node within the specified text.
        type - The constituent label of this node.
        p - The probability of this parse.
        h - The head token of this parse.
    • Method Detail

      • clone

        public Object clone()
      • clone

        public Parse clone​(Parse node)
        Clones the right frontier of parse up to the specified node.
        node - The last node in the right frontier of the parse tree which should be cloned.
        A clone of this parse and its right frontier up to and including the specified node.
      • cloneRoot

        public Parse cloneRoot​(Parse node,
                               int parseIndex)
        Clones the right frontier of this root parse up to and including the specified node.
        node - The last node in the right frontier of the parse tree which should be cloned.
        parseIndex - The child index of the parse for this root node.
        A clone of this root parse and its right frontier up to and including the specified node.
      • useFunctionTags

        public static void useFunctionTags​(boolean uft)
        Specifies whether function tags should be included as part of the constituent type.
        uft - true is they should be included; false otherwise.
      • setType

        public void setType​(String type)
        Set the type of this constituent to the specified type.
        type - The type of this constituent.
      • getType

        public String getType()
        Returns the constituent label for this node of the parse.
        The constituent label for this node of the parse.
      • getPreviousPunctuationSet

        public Collection<Parse> getPreviousPunctuationSet()
        Returns the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately before this parse.
        the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately before this parse.
      • addPreviousPunctuation

        public void addPreviousPunctuation​(Parse punct)
        Designates that the specified punctuation should is prior to this parse.
        punct - The punctuation.
      • getNextPunctuationSet

        public Collection<Parse> getNextPunctuationSet()
        Returns the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately after this parse.
        the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately after this parse.
      • addNextPunctuation

        public void addNextPunctuation​(Parse punct)
        Designates that the specified punctuation follows this parse.
        punct - The punctuation set.
      • setNextPunctuation

        public void setNextPunctuation​(Collection<Parse> punctSet)
        Sets the set of punctuation tags which follow this parse.
        punctSet - The set of punctuation tags which follow this parse.
      • setPrevPunctuation

        public void setPrevPunctuation​(Collection<Parse> punctSet)
        Sets the set of punctuation tags which preceed this parse.
        punctSet - The set of punctuation tags which preceed this parse.
      • insert

        public void insert​(Parse constituent)
        Inserts the specified constituent into this parse based on its text span.This method assumes that the specified constituent can be inserted into this parse.
        constituent - The constituent to be inserted.
      • show

        public void show​(StringBuffer sb)
        Appends the specified string buffer with a string representation of this parse.
        sb - A string buffer into which the parse string can be appended.
      • show

        public void show()
        Displays this parse using Penn Treebank-style formatting.
      • getTagSequenceProb

        public double getTagSequenceProb()
        Returns the probability associated with the pos-tag sequence assigned to this parse.
        The probability associated with the pos-tag sequence assigned to this parse.
      • complete

        public boolean complete()
        Returns whether this parse is complete.
        Returns true if the parse contains a single top-most node.
      • getCoveredText

        public String getCoveredText()
      • toString

        public String toString()
        Represents this parse in a human readable way.
        toString in class Object
      • getText

        public String getText()
        Returns the text of the sentence over which this parse was formed.
        The text of the sentence over which this parse was formed.
      • getSpan

        public Span getSpan()
        Returns the character offsets for this constituent.
        The character offsets for this constituent.
      • getProb

        public double getProb()
        Returns the log of the product of the probability associated with all the decisions which formed this constituent.
        The log of the product of the probability associated with all the decisions which formed this constituent.
      • addProb

        public void addProb​(double logProb)
        Adds the specified probability log to this current log for this parse.
        logProb - The probability of an action performed on this parse.
      • getChildren

        public Parse[] getChildren()
        Returns the child constituents of this constituent .
        The child constituents of this constituent.
      • setChild

        public void setChild​(int index,
                             String label)
        Replaces the child at the specified index with a new child with the specified label.
        index - The index of the child to be replaced.
        label - The label to be assigned to the new child.
      • remove

        public void remove​(int index)
      • adjoin

        public Parse adjoin​(Parse sister,
                            HeadRules rules)
        Sister adjoins this node's last child and the specified sister node and returns their new parent node. The new parent node replace this nodes last child.
        sister - The node to be adjoined.
        rules - The head rules for the parser.
        The new parent node of this node and the specified sister node.
      • expandTopNode

        public void expandTopNode​(Parse root)
      • getChildCount

        public int getChildCount()
        Returns the number of children for this parse node.
        the number of children for this parse node.
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(Parse child)
        Returns the index of this specified child.
        child - A child of this parse.
        the index of this specified child or -1 if the specified child is not a child of this parse.
      • getHead

        public Parse getHead()
        Returns the head constituent associated with this constituent.
        The head constituent associated with this constituent.
      • getHeadIndex

        public int getHeadIndex()
        Returns the index within a sentence of the head token for this parse.
        The index within a sentence of the head token for this parse.
      • getLabel

        public String getLabel()
        Returns the label assigned to this parse node during parsing which specifies how this node will be formed into a constituent.
        The outcome label assigned to this node during parsing.
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(String label)
        Assigns this parse the specified label. This is used by parsing schemes to tag parsing nodes while building.
        label - A label indicating something about the stage of building for this parse node.
      • updateHeads

        public void updateHeads​(HeadRules rules)
        Computes the head parses for this parse and its sub-parses and stores this information in the parse data structure.
        rules - The head rules which determine how the head of the parse is computed.
      • updateSpan

        public void updateSpan()
      • pruneParse

        public static void pruneParse​(Parse parse)
        Prune the specified sentence parse of vacuous productions.
        parse -
      • fixPossesives

        public static void fixPossesives​(Parse parse)
      • parseParse

        public static Parse parseParse​(String parse)
        Parses the specified tree-bank style parse string and return a Parse structure for that string.
        parse - A tree-bank style parse string.
        a Parse structure for the specified tree-bank style parse string.
      • parseParse

        public static Parse parseParse​(String parse,
                                       GapLabeler gl)
        Parses the specified tree-bank style parse string and return a Parse structure for that string.
        parse - A tree-bank style parse string.
        gl - The gap labeler.
        a Parse structure for the specified tree-bank style parse string.
      • getParent

        public Parse getParent()
        Returns the parent parse node of this constituent.
        The parent parse node of this constituent.
      • setParent

        public void setParent​(Parse parent)
        Specifies the parent parse node for this constituent.
        parent - The parent parse node for this constituent.
      • isPosTag

        public boolean isPosTag()
        Indicates whether this parse node is a pos-tag.
        true if this node is a pos-tag, false otherwise.
      • isFlat

        public boolean isFlat()
        Returns true if this constituent contains no sub-constituents.
        true if this constituent contains no sub-constituents; false otherwise.
      • isChunk

        public void isChunk​(boolean ic)
      • isChunk

        public boolean isChunk()
      • getTagNodes

        public Parse[] getTagNodes()
        Returns the parse nodes which are children of this node and which are pos tags.
        the parse nodes which are children of this node and which are pos tags.
      • getTokenNodes

        public Parse[] getTokenNodes()
      • getCommonParent

        public Parse getCommonParent​(Parse node)
        Returns the deepest shared parent of this node and the specified node. If the nodes are identical then their parent is returned. If one node is the parent of the other then the parent node is returned.
        node - The node from which parents are compared to this node's parents.
        the deepest shared parent of this node and the specified node.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • getDerivation

        public StringBuffer getDerivation()
        Returns the derivation string for this parse if one has been created.
        the derivation string for this parse or null if no derivation string has been created.
      • setDerivation

        public void setDerivation​(StringBuffer derivation)
        Specifies the derivation string to be associated with this parse.
        derivation - The derivation string to be associated with this parse.
      • showCodeTree

        public void showCodeTree()
        Prints to standard out a representation of the specified parse which contains hash codes so that parent/child relationships can be explicitly seen.
      • addNames

        public static void addNames​(String tag,
                                    Span[] names,
                                    Parse[] tokens)
        Utility method to inserts named entities.
        tag -
        names -
        tokens -