Class CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator

    • Constructor Detail

      • CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator

        public CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator​(int minLength,
                                              int maxLength)
      • CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator

        public CharacterNgramFeatureGenerator()
        Initializes the current instance with min 2 length and max 5 length of ngrams.
    • Method Detail

      • createFeatures

        public void createFeatures​(List<String> features,
                                   String[] tokens,
                                   int index,
                                   String[] preds)
        Description copied from interface: AdaptiveFeatureGenerator
        Adds the appropriate features for the token at the specified index with the specified array of previous outcomes to the specified list of features.
        Specified by:
        createFeatures in interface AdaptiveFeatureGenerator
        features - The list of features to be added to.
        tokens - The tokens of the sentence or other text unit being processed.
        index - The index of the token which is currently being processed.
        preds - The outcomes for the tokens prior to the specified index.