Class MascToken

    • Constructor Detail

      • MascToken

        public MascToken​(int s,
                         int e,
                         int pennId,
                         String pos,
                         String base,
                         MascWord[] quarks)
        Initializes a MascToken which may combine multiple quarks.
        s - The start of the token in the corpus file. Must be equal to or greater than 0.
        e - The end of the token in the corpus file. Must be equal to or greater than 0 and be greater than s.
        pennId - The ID of the token as assigned by the Penn stand-off annotation.
        pos - The POS-tag.
        base - The base form.
        quarks - The array of Quarks contained in the token.
        IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if one of the parameters are invalid.
    • Method Detail

      • getTokenId

        public int getTokenId()
        Retrieves the ID of the token.
      • getBase

        public String getBase()
        Retrieves the base form.
      • getPos

        public String getPos()
        Retrieves the POS tag.
      • getQuarks

        public MascWord[] getQuarks()
        Retrieves quarks of the token.