Class AbstractModel

    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractModel

        public AbstractModel​(Context[] params,
                             String[] predLabels,
                             String[] outcomeNames)
        Initializes an AbstractModel.
        params - The parameters to set.
        predLabels - The predicted labels.
        outcomeNames - The names of the outcomes.
    • Method Detail

      • getBestOutcome

        public final String getBestOutcome​(double[] ocs)
        Return the name of the outcome corresponding to the highest likelihood in the parameter ocs.
        Specified by:
        getBestOutcome in interface MaxentModel
        ocs - A double[] as returned by the eval(String[] context) method.
        The name of the most likely outcome.
      • getAllOutcomes

        public final String getAllOutcomes​(double[] ocs)
        Retrieves a string matching all the outcome names with all the probabilities produced by the MaxentModel.eval(String[]) method.
        Specified by:
        getAllOutcomes in interface MaxentModel
        ocs - A double[] as returned by the MaxentModel.eval(String[]) method.
        String containing outcome names paired with the normalized probability (contained in the double[] ocs) for each one.
      • getOutcome

        public final String getOutcome​(int i)
        Description copied from interface: MaxentModel
        Retrieves the String name of the outcome associated with the index i.
        Specified by:
        getOutcome in interface MaxentModel
        i - An outcome id.
        Retrieves the name of the outcome associated with that id.
      • getIndex

        public int getIndex​(String outcome)
        Description copied from interface: MaxentModel
        Retrieves the index associated with the String name of the given outcome.
        Specified by:
        getIndex in interface MaxentModel
        outcome - The String name of the outcome for which the index is desired.
        Retrieves the index if the given outcome label exists for this model, -1 if it does not.
      • getNumOutcomes

        public int getNumOutcomes()
        Specified by:
        getNumOutcomes in interface MaxentModel
        Retrieves the number of outcomes for this model.
      • getDataStructures

        public final Object[] getDataStructures()
        Provides the fundamental data structures which encode the maxent model information. Note: This method will usually only be needed by GIS model writers.

        The following values are held in the Object array which is returned by this method:

        • index 0: Context array containing the model parameters.
        • index 1: Map containing the mapping of model predicates to unique integers.
        • index 2: String array containing the names of the outcomes, stored in the index of the array which represents their unique ids in the model.
        An Object array with the values as described above.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object