Class POSSample

    • Constructor Detail

      • POSSample

        public POSSample​(String[] sentence,
                         String[] tags)
        Initializes a POSSample instance.
        sentence - The sentence of tokens to be tagged.
        tags - An array of pos tags for each token provided in sentence.
      • POSSample

        public POSSample​(List<String> sentence,
                         List<String> tags)
        Initializes a POSSample instance.
        sentence - The sentence to be tagged.
        tags - A List of pos tags for each token provided in sentence.
      • POSSample

        public POSSample​(List<String> sentence,
                         List<String> tags,
                         String[][] additionalContext)
        Initializes a POSSample instance.
        sentence - The sentence to be tagged.
        tags - A List of pos tags for each token provided in sentence.
        additionalContext - A 2D array which holds additional information for the context.
      • POSSample

        public POSSample​(String[] sentence,
                         String[] tags,
                         String[][] additionalContext)
        Initializes a POSSample instance.
        sentence - The sentence to be tagged.
        tags - An array of pos tags for each token provided in sentence.
        additionalContext - A 2D array which holds additional information for the context.
    • Method Detail

      • getSentence

        public String[] getSentence()
        Retrieves the sentence as array.
      • getTags

        public String[] getTags()
        Retrieves the tags as array.
      • getAdditionalContext

        public String[][] getAdditionalContext()
        Retrieves additional information for the context.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object