Class FMeasure

  • public final class FMeasure
    extends Object
    The FMeasure is a utility class for evaluators which measures precision, recall and the resulting f-measure.

    Evaluation results are the arithmetic mean of the precision scores calculated for each reference sample and the arithmetic mean of the recall scores calculated for each reference sample.

    • Constructor Detail

      • FMeasure

        public FMeasure()
    • Method Detail

      • getPrecisionScore

        public double getPrecisionScore()
        Retrieves the arithmetic mean of the precision scores calculated for each evaluated sample.
      • getRecallScore

        public double getRecallScore()
        Retrieves the arithmetic mean of the recall score calculated for each evaluated sample.
      • getFMeasure

        public double getFMeasure()
        f-measure = 2 * precision * recall / (precision + recall).
        Retrieves the f-measure or -1 if precision + recall <= 0
      • updateScores

        public void updateScores​(Object[] references,
                                 Object[] predictions)
        Updates the score based on the number of true positives and the number of predictions and references.
        references - the provided references
        predictions - the predicted spans
      • mergeInto

        public void mergeInto​(FMeasure measure)
        Merge results into metric.
        measure - The FMeasure to merge.
      • precision

        public static double precision​(Object[] references,
                                       Object[] predictions)
        Calculates the precision score for the given reference and predicted spans.
        references - The gold standard spans.
        predictions - The predicted spans.
        The precision score or NaN if there are no predicted spans.
      • recall

        public static double recall​(Object[] references,
                                    Object[] predictions)
        Calculates the recall score for the given reference and predicted spans.
        references - The gold standard spans
        predictions - The predicted spans
        The recall score or NaN if there are no reference spans.