Class LanguageDetectorConfig


public class LanguageDetectorConfig extends Object
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • LanguageDetectorConfig

      public LanguageDetectorConfig()
  • Method Details

    • getMaxLength

      public int getMaxLength()
      The maximum length in codepoints of text to process.
    • setMaxLength

      public void setMaxLength(int maxLength)
    • getChunkSize

      public int getChunkSize()
      After processing a chunk of this size, the probing detection will compute probabilities and determine if there is enough confidence to stop.
      The size in codepoints of chunk to process at each step for the probing detection.
    • setChunkSize

      public void setChunkSize(int chunkSize)
    • getMinConsecImprovements

      public int getMinConsecImprovements()
      If this value equals 0, probing detection will rely solely on getMinDiff()
      The minimum number of consecutive increased probabilities for the top language required in probing detection to stop early.
    • setMinConsecImprovements

      public void setMinConsecImprovements(int minConsecImprovements)
    • getMinDiff

      public double getMinDiff()
      If this value equals 0, probing detection will rely solely on getMinConsecImprovements()
      The minimum difference in confidence between the top predicted language and the next most likely language.
    • setMinDiff

      public void setMinDiff(double minDiff)