Class BilouNameFinderSequenceValidator

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BilouNameFinderSequenceValidator extends Object implements SequenceValidator<String>
A SequenceValidator implementation for the BilouCodec.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • BilouNameFinderSequenceValidator

      public BilouNameFinderSequenceValidator()
  • Method Details

    • validSequence

      public boolean validSequence(int i, String[] inputSequence, String[] outcomesSequence, String outcome)
      Description copied from interface: SequenceValidator
      Determines whether a particular continuation of a sequence is valid. This is used to restrict invalid sequences such as those used in start/continue tag-based chunking or could be used to implement tag dictionary restrictions.
      Specified by:
      validSequence in interface SequenceValidator<String>
      i - The index in the inputSequence for which the new outcome is being proposed.
      inputSequence - The input sequence of SequenceValidator.
      outcomesSequence - The outcomes so far in this sequence.
      outcome - The next proposed outcome for the outcomes sequence.
      true if the sequence would still be valid with the new outcome, false otherwise.