Class AbstractBottomUpParser

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
Parser, Parser

public abstract class AbstractBottomUpParser extends Object implements Parser
Abstract class which contains code to tag and chunk parses for bottom up parsing and leaves implementation of advancing parses and completing parses to extend class.

The nodes within the returned parses are shared with other parses and therefore their parent node references will not be consistent with their child node reference. setParents can be used to make the parents consistent with a particular parse, but subsequent calls to setParents can invalidate the results of earlier calls.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractBottomUpParser

      public AbstractBottomUpParser(POSTagger tagger, Chunker chunker, HeadRules headRules, int beamSize, double advancePercentage)
  • Method Details

    • setErrorReporting

      public void setErrorReporting(boolean errorReporting)
      Specifies whether the parser should report when it was unable to find a parse for a particular sentence.
      errorReporting - true if un-parsed sentences should be reported, false otherwise.
    • setParents

      public static void setParents(Parse p)
      Assigns parent references for the specified parse so that they are consistent with the children references.
      p - The Parse whose parent references need to be assigned.
    • collapsePunctuation

      public static Parse[] collapsePunctuation(Parse[] chunks, Set<String> punctSet)
      Removes the punctuation from the specified set of chunks, adds it to the parses adjacent to the punctuation is specified, and returns a new array of parses with the punctuation removed.
      chunks - A set of parses.
      punctSet - The set of punctuation to be removed.
      Array of parses which is a subset of chunks with punctuation removed.
    • parse

      public Parse[] parse(Parse tokens, int numParses)
      Description copied from interface: Parser
      Returns the specified number of parses or fewer for the specified tokens.

      Note: The nodes within the returned parses are shared with other parses and therefore their parent node references will not be consistent with their child node reference.

      Parse.setParent(Parse) can be used to make the parents consistent with a particular parse, but subsequent calls to setParents can invalidate the results of earlier calls.

      Specified by:
      parse in interface Parser
      tokens - A Parse containing the tokens with a single parent node.
      numParses - The number of parses desired.
      the specified number of parses for the specified tokens.
    • parse

      public Parse parse(Parse tokens)
      Description copied from interface: Parser
      Returns a Parse for the specified Parse of tokens.
      Specified by:
      parse in interface Parser
      tokens - The root node of a flat parse containing only tokens.
      A full parse of the specified tokens or the flat chunks of the tokens if a full parse could not be found.
    • buildDictionary

      public static Dictionary buildDictionary(ObjectStream<Parse> data, HeadRules rules, TrainingParameters params) throws IOException
      Creates a n-gram Dictionary from the specified data stream using the specified head rule and specified cut-off.
      data - The data stream of parses.
      rules - The HeadRules for the parses.
      params - The TrainingParameters which can contain a cutoff, the minimum number of entries required for the n-gram to be saved as part of the Dictionary.
      A Dictionary instance.
    • buildDictionary

      public static Dictionary buildDictionary(ObjectStream<Parse> data, HeadRules rules, int cutoff) throws IOException
      Creates a n-gram Dictionary from the specified data stream using HeadRules and specified cut-off.
      data - The data stream of parses.
      rules - The HeadRules for the parses.
      cutoff - The minimum number of entries required for the n-gram to be saved as part of the dictionary.
      A Dictionary instance.