Schnittstelle BeamSearchContextGenerator<T>

Alle bekannten Unterschnittstellen:
ChunkerContextGenerator, LemmatizerContextGenerator, NameContextGenerator, POSContextGenerator
Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
ChunkContextGenerator, ConfigurablePOSContextGenerator, DefaultChunkerContextGenerator, DefaultLemmatizerContextGenerator, DefaultNameContextGenerator, DefaultPOSContextGenerator

public interface BeamSearchContextGenerator<T>
Interface for context generators used with a sequence beam search.
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    getContext(int index, T[] sequence, String[] priorDecisions, Object[] additionalContext)
    Returns the context for the specified position in the specified sequence (list).
  • Methodendetails

    • getContext

      String[] getContext(int index, T[] sequence, String[] priorDecisions, Object[] additionalContext)
      Returns the context for the specified position in the specified sequence (list).
      index - The index of the sequence.
      sequence - The sequence of items over which the beam search is performed.
      priorDecisions - The sequence of decisions made prior to the context for which this decision is being made.
      additionalContext - Any additional context specific to a class implementing this interface.
      Gibt zurück:
      The context for the specified index in the specified sequence.