Package | Description |
---|---| | | |
Experimental package related to converting various corpora to OpenNLP Format.
| | | | | | | |
Package containing common code for performing full syntactic parsing.
| |
Package containing code for performing full syntactic parsing using shift/reduce-style decisions.
| | | | | |
Package containing experimental code for performing full syntactic
parsing using attachment decisions.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Parse[] |
ParserTool.parseLine(String line,
Parser parser,
int numParses) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ParserModel |
CheckModelUpdaterTool.trainAndUpdate(ParserModel originalModel,
ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples, parameters) |
protected ParserModel |
BuildModelUpdaterTool.trainAndUpdate(ParserModel originalModel,
ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples, parameters) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectStream<Parse> |
ParseSampleStreamFactory.create(String[] args) |
Constructor and Description |
ParseToPOSSampleStream(ObjectStream<Parse> samples) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Parse | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectStream<Parse> |
ConstitParseSampleStreamFactory.create(String[] args) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Parse | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ObjectStream<Parse> |
OntoNotesParseSampleStreamFactory.create(String[] args) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected Heap<Parse> |
Completed parses.
protected Heap<Parse> |
Incomplete parses which have been advanced.
protected Heap<Parse> |
Incomplete parses which will be advanced.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Parse |
Parse.adjoin(Parse sister,
HeadRules rules)
Sister adjoins this node's last child and the specified sister node and returns their
new parent node.
Parse |
Parse.adjoinRoot(Parse node,
HeadRules rules,
int parseIndex) |
protected Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceChunks(Parse p,
double minChunkScore)
Returns the top chunk sequences for the specified parse.
protected abstract Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceParses(Parse p,
double probMass)
Advances the specified parse and returns the an array advanced parses whose probability accounts for
more than the specified amount of probability mass.
protected Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceTags(Parse p)
Advances the parse by assigning it POS tags and returns multiple tag sequences.
Parse |
Parse.clone(Parse node)
Clones the right frontier of parse up to the specified node.
Parse |
Parse.cloneRoot(Parse node,
int parseIndex)
Clones the right frontier of this root parse up to and including the specified node.
static Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.collapsePunctuation(Parse[] chunks,
Set<String> punctSet)
Removes the punctuation from the specified set of chunks, adds it to the parses
adjacent to the punctuation is specified, and returns a new array of parses with the punctuation
Parse[] |
Returns the child constituents of this constituent
Parse |
Parse.getCommonParent(Parse node)
Returns the deepest shared parent of this node and the specified node.
Parse |
Returns the head constituent associated with this constituent.
Parse |
HeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents,
String type)
Returns the head constituent for the specified constituents of the specified type.
static Parse[] |
ChunkSampleStream.getInitialChunks(Parse p) |
static Parse[] |
AbstractParserEventStream.getInitialChunks(Parse p) |
Parse |
Returns the parent parse node of this constituent.
Parse[] |
Returns the parse nodes which are children of this node and which are pos tags.
Parse |
Parser.parse(Parse tokens)
Returns a parse for the specified parse of tokens.
Parse |
AbstractBottomUpParser.parse(Parse tokens) |
Parse[] |
Parser.parse(Parse tokens,
int numParses)
Returns the specified number of parses or fewer for the specified tokens.
Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.parse(Parse tokens,
int numParses) |
static Parse |
Parse.parseParse(String parse)
Parses the specified tree-bank style parse string and return a Parse structure for that string.
static Parse |
Parse.parseParse(String parse,
GapLabeler gl)
Parses the specified tree-bank style parse string and return a Parse structure
for that string.
protected Parse |
ParserEvaluator.processSample(Parse reference) |
Parse | |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Collection<Parse> |
Returns the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately after this parse.
Collection<Parse> |
Returns the set of punctuation parses that occur immediately before this parse.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
Parse.add(Parse daughter,
HeadRules rules) |
static void |
Parse.addNames(String tag,
Span[] names,
Parse[] tokens)
Utility method to inserts named entities.
void |
Parse.addNextPunctuation(Parse punct)
Designates that the specified punctuation follows this parse.
protected abstract void |
AbstractParserEventStream.addParseEvents(List<Event> newEvents,
Parse[] chunks)
Produces all events for the specified sentence chunks
and adds them to the specified list.
void |
Parse.addPreviousPunctuation(Parse punct)
Designates that the specified punctuation should is prior to this parse.
Parse |
Parse.adjoin(Parse sister,
HeadRules rules)
Sister adjoins this node's last child and the specified sister node and returns their
new parent node.
Parse |
Parse.adjoinRoot(Parse node,
HeadRules rules,
int parseIndex) |
protected Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceChunks(Parse p,
double minChunkScore)
Returns the top chunk sequences for the specified parse.
protected abstract Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceParses(Parse p,
double probMass)
Advances the specified parse and returns the an array advanced parses whose probability accounts for
more than the specified amount of probability mass.
protected Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceTags(Parse p)
Advances the parse by assigning it POS tags and returns multiple tag sequences.
protected abstract void |
AbstractBottomUpParser.advanceTop(Parse p)
Adds the "TOP" node to the specified parse.
protected void |
AbstractContextGenerator.checkcons(Parse p1,
Parse p2,
String type,
List<String> features) |
protected void |
AbstractContextGenerator.checkcons(Parse child,
String i,
String type,
List<String> features)
Produces features to determine whether the specified child node is part of
a complete constituent of the specified type and adds those features to the
specfied list.
Parse |
Parse.clone(Parse node)
Clones the right frontier of parse up to the specified node.
Parse |
Parse.cloneRoot(Parse node,
int parseIndex)
Clones the right frontier of this root parse up to and including the specified node.
static Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.collapsePunctuation(Parse[] chunks,
Set<String> punctSet)
Removes the punctuation from the specified set of chunks, adds it to the parses
adjacent to the punctuation is specified, and returns a new array of parses with the punctuation
int |
Parse.compareTo(Parse p) |
protected String |
AbstractContextGenerator.cons(Parse p,
int i) |
protected String |
AbstractContextGenerator.consbo(Parse p,
int i) |
protected Iterator<Event> |
AbstractParserEventStream.createEvents(Parse sample) |
void |
Parse.expandTopNode(Parse root) |
static void |
Parse.fixPossesives(Parse parse) |
Parse |
Parse.getCommonParent(Parse node)
Returns the deepest shared parent of this node and the specified node.
protected void |
AbstractContextGenerator.getFrontierNodes(List<Parse> rf,
Parse[] nodes)
Populates specified nodes array with left-most right frontier
node with a unique head.
Parse |
HeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents,
String type)
Returns the head constituent for the specified constituents of the specified type.
static Parse[] |
ChunkSampleStream.getInitialChunks(Parse p) |
static Parse[] |
AbstractParserEventStream.getInitialChunks(Parse p) |
int |
Parse.indexOf(Parse child)
Returns the index of this specified child.
void |
Parse.insert(Parse constituent)
Inserts the specified constituent into this parse based on its text span.This
method assumes that the specified constituent can be inserted into this parse.
protected boolean |
AbstractParserEventStream.lastChild(Parse child,
Parse parent)
Returns true if the specified child is the last child of the specified parent.
protected int |
AbstractBottomUpParser.mapParseIndex(int index,
Parse[] nonPunctParses,
Parse[] parses)
Determines the mapping between the specified index into the specified parses without punctuation to
the corresponding index into the specified parses.
protected int |
AbstractBottomUpParser.mapParseIndex(int index,
Parse[] nonPunctParses,
Parse[] parses)
Determines the mapping between the specified index into the specified parses without punctuation to
the corresponding index into the specified parses.
Parse |
Parser.parse(Parse tokens)
Returns a parse for the specified parse of tokens.
Parse |
AbstractBottomUpParser.parse(Parse tokens) |
Parse[] |
Parser.parse(Parse tokens,
int numParses)
Returns the specified number of parses or fewer for the specified tokens.
Parse[] |
AbstractBottomUpParser.parse(Parse tokens,
int numParses) |
protected Parse |
ParserEvaluator.processSample(Parse reference) |
protected String |
AbstractContextGenerator.production(Parse p,
boolean includePunctuation)
Generates a string representing the grammar rule production that the specified parse
is starting.
static void |
Parse.pruneParse(Parse parse)
Prune the specified sentence parse of vacuous productions.
protected String |
AbstractContextGenerator.punct(Parse punct,
int i)
Creates punctuation feature for the specified punctuation at the specified index based on the punctuation mark.
protected String |
AbstractContextGenerator.punctbo(Parse punct,
int i)
Creates punctuation feature for the specified punctuation at the specfied index based on the punctuation's tag.
void |
Parse.setParent(Parse parent)
Specifies the parent parse node for this constituent.
static void |
AbstractBottomUpParser.setParents(Parse p)
Assigns parent references for the specified parse so that they
are consistent with the children references.
protected void |
AbstractContextGenerator.surround(Parse node,
int i,
String type,
Collection<Parse> punctuation,
List<String> features)
Generates features for nodes surrounding a completed node of the specified type.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Dictionary |
AbstractBottomUpParser.buildDictionary(ObjectStream<Parse> data,
HeadRules rules,
int cutoff)
Creates a n-gram dictionary from the specified data stream using the specified head rule and specified cut-off.
static Dictionary |
AbstractBottomUpParser.buildDictionary(ObjectStream<Parse> data,
HeadRules rules,
TrainingParameters params)
Creates a n-gram dictionary from the specified data stream using the specified head rule and specified cut-off.
protected void |
AbstractContextGenerator.cons2(List<String> features,
Cons c0,
Cons c1,
Collection<Parse> punct1s,
boolean bigram) |
protected void |
AbstractContextGenerator.cons3(List<String> features,
Cons c0,
Cons c1,
Cons c2,
Collection<Parse> punct1s,
Collection<Parse> punct2s,
boolean trigram,
boolean bigram1,
boolean bigram2)
Creates cons features involving the 3 specified nodes and adds them to the specified feature list.
protected void |
AbstractContextGenerator.cons3(List<String> features,
Cons c0,
Cons c1,
Cons c2,
Collection<Parse> punct1s,
Collection<Parse> punct2s,
boolean trigram,
boolean bigram1,
boolean bigram2)
Creates cons features involving the 3 specified nodes and adds them to the specified feature list.
void |
ParserCrossValidator.evaluate(ObjectStream<Parse> samples,
int nFolds) |
protected void |
AbstractContextGenerator.getFrontierNodes(List<Parse> rf,
Parse[] nodes)
Populates specified nodes array with left-most right frontier
node with a unique head.
void |
Parse.setNextPunctuation(Collection<Parse> punctSet)
Sets the set of punctuation tags which follow this parse.
void |
Parse.setPrevPunctuation(Collection<Parse> punctSet)
Sets the set of punctuation tags which preceed this parse.
protected void |
AbstractContextGenerator.surround(Parse node,
int i,
String type,
Collection<Parse> punctuation,
List<String> features)
Generates features for nodes surrounding a completed node of the specified type.
Constructor and Description |
Parse(String text,
Span span,
String type,
double p,
Parse h)
Creates a new parse node for this specified text and span of the specified type with the specified probability
and the specified head and head index.
Constructor and Description |
AbstractParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d,
HeadRules rules,
ParserEventTypeEnum etype) |
AbstractParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d,
HeadRules rules,
ParserEventTypeEnum etype,
Dictionary dict) |
ChunkSampleStream(ObjectStream<Parse> in) |
PosSampleStream(ObjectStream<Parse> in) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Parse[] |
Parser.advanceParses(Parse p,
double probMass) |
static Parse[] |
ParserEventStream.reduceChunks(Parse[] chunks,
int ci,
Parse parent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ParserEventStream.addParseEvents(List<Event> parseEvents,
Parse[] chunks)
Adds events for parsing (post tagging and chunking to the specified list of events for the specified parse chunks.
protected Parse[] |
Parser.advanceParses(Parse p,
double probMass) |
protected void |
Parser.advanceTop(Parse p) |
protected boolean |
ParserEventStream.firstChild(Parse child,
Parse parent)
Returns true if the specified child is the first child of the specified parent.
String[] |
BuildContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents,
int index)
Returns the predictive context used to determine how constituent at the specified index
should be combined with other contisuents.
String[] |
CheckContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents,
String type,
int start,
int end)
Returns predictive context for deciding whether the specified constituents between the specified start and end index
can be combined to form a new constituent of the specified type.
static Parse[] |
ParserEventStream.reduceChunks(Parse[] chunks,
int ci,
Parse parent) |
static Parse[] |
ParserEventStream.reduceChunks(Parse[] chunks,
int ci,
Parse parent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ParserModel |
Parser.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples,
HeadRules rules,
int iterations,
int cut)
Parser.train(String, ObjectStream, HeadRules, TrainingParameters)
instead and pass in a TrainingParameters object. |
static ParserModel |
Parser.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples,
HeadRules rules,
TrainingParameters mlParams) |
Constructor and Description |
ParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d,
HeadRules rules,
ParserEventTypeEnum etype) |
ParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d,
HeadRules rules,
ParserEventTypeEnum etype,
Dictionary dict)
Create an event stream based on the specified data stream of the specified type using the specified head rules.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Parse |
HeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents,
String type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Parse |
HeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents,
String type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Parse |
AncoraSpanishHeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents,
String type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
Parse |
AncoraSpanishHeadRules.getHead(Parse[] constituents,
String type) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected Parse[] |
Parser.advanceChunks(Parse p,
double minChunkScore) |
protected Parse[] |
Parser.advanceParses(Parse p,
double probMass) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static List<Parse> |
Parser.getRightFrontier(Parse root,
Set<String> punctSet)
Returns the right frontier of the specified parse tree with nodes ordered from deepest
to shallowest.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ParserEventStream.addParseEvents(List<Event> parseEvents,
Parse[] chunks) |
protected Parse[] |
Parser.advanceChunks(Parse p,
double minChunkScore) |
protected Parse[] |
Parser.advanceParses(Parse p,
double probMass) |
protected void |
Parser.advanceTop(Parse p) |
String[] |
BuildContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents,
int index)
Returns the contexts/features for the decision to build a new constituent for the specified parse
at the specified index.
String[] |
AttachContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents,
int index,
List<Parse> rightFrontier,
int rfi) |
String[] |
CheckContextGenerator.getContext(Parse parent,
Parse[] constituents,
int index,
boolean trimFrontier) |
String[] |
CheckContextGenerator.getContext(Parse parent,
Parse[] constituents,
int index,
boolean trimFrontier) |
static List<Parse> |
Parser.getRightFrontier(Parse root,
Set<String> punctSet)
Returns the right frontier of the specified parse tree with nodes ordered from deepest
to shallowest.
protected boolean |
ParserEventStream.lastChild(Parse child,
Parse parent) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
String[] |
AttachContextGenerator.getContext(Parse[] constituents,
int index,
List<Parse> rightFrontier,
int rfi) |
static ParserModel |
Parser.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples,
HeadRules rules,
int iterations,
int cut) |
static ParserModel |
Parser.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples,
HeadRules rules,
TrainingParameters mlParams) |
Constructor and Description |
ParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d,
HeadRules rules,
ParserEventTypeEnum etype) |
ParserEventStream(ObjectStream<Parse> d,
HeadRules rules,
ParserEventTypeEnum etype,
Dictionary dict) |
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