Package | Description |
---|---| |
Package related to finding non-recursive syntactic annotation such as noun phrase chunks.
| | | | | | | | | |
Package related to parsing and storing dictionaries.
| | | |
Package for classifying a document into a category.
| | | |
Package related to finding proper names and numeric amounts.
| |
Package related to computing and storing n-gram frequencies.
| |
Package containing common code for performing full syntactic parsing.
| |
Package containing code for performing full syntactic parsing using shift/reduce-style decisions.
| | | | | |
Package containing experimental code for performing full syntactic
parsing using attachment decisions.
| |
Package related to part-of-speech tagging.
| |
Package related to identifying sentece boundries.
| |
Contains classes related to finding token or words in a string.
| |
Package containing utility data structures and algorithms used by multiple other packages.
| |
This package contains classes for generating sequence features.
| |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ChunkerFactory |
ChunkerFactory.create(String subclassName) |
void |
ChunkerCrossValidator.evaluate(ObjectStream<ChunkSample> samples,
int nFolds)
Starts the evaluation.
protected void |
ChunkerModel.validateArtifactMap() |
void |
ChunkerFactory.validateArtifactMap() |
Constructor and Description |
ChunkerModel(File modelFile) |
ChunkerModel(InputStream in) |
ChunkerModel(URL modelURL) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected abstract T |
ModelLoader.loadModel(InputStream modelIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected TokenNameFinderModel |
TokenNameFinderModelLoader.loadModel(InputStream modelIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected ParserModel |
ParserModelLoader.loadModel(InputStream modelIn) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected POSModel |
POSModelLoader.loadModel(InputStream modelIn) |
Constructor and Description |
Dictionary(InputStream in)
Initializes the
Dictionary from an existing dictionary resource. |
Dictionary(InputStream in,
boolean caseSensitive)
This constructor is deprecated. Passing the case sensitivity
flag has no effect. Use
Dictionary.Dictionary(InputStream) instead and set the
case sensitivity during the dictionary creation. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static boolean |
DictionarySerializer.create(InputStream in,
EntryInserter inserter)
void |
EntryInserter.insert(Entry entry) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DoccatFactory |
DoccatFactory.create(String subclassName,
Tokenizer tokenizer,
FeatureGenerator[] featureGenerators) |
protected void |
DoccatModel.validateArtifactMap() |
void |
DoccatFactory.validateArtifactMap() |
Constructor and Description |
DoccatModel(File modelFile) |
DoccatModel(InputStream in) |
DoccatModel(URL modelURL) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
void |
SgmlParser.ContentHandler.characters(CharSequence chars) |
void |
SgmlParser.ContentHandler.endElement(String name) |
void |
SgmlParser.ContentHandler.startElement(String name,
Map<String,String> attributes) |
void |
MucNameContentHandler.startElement(String name,
Map<String,String> attributes) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TokenNameFinderFactory |
TokenNameFinderFactory.create(String subclassName,
byte[] featureGeneratorBytes,
Map<String,Object> resources,
SequenceCodec<String> seqCodec) |
static void |
TokenNameFinderEvaluator.main(String[] args)
protected void |
TokenNameFinderModel.validateArtifactMap() |
void |
TokenNameFinderFactory.validateArtifactMap() |
Constructor and Description |
TokenNameFinderModel(File modelFile) |
TokenNameFinderModel(InputStream in) |
TokenNameFinderModel(URL modelURL) |
Constructor and Description |
NGramModel(InputStream in)
Initializes the current instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
protected void |
ParserModel.validateArtifactMap() |
Constructor and Description |
ParserModel(File modelFile) |
ParserModel(InputStream in) |
ParserModel(URL modelURL) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ParserEventStream.main(String[] args) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
HeadRules |
HeadRules.HeadRulesSerializer.create(InputStream in) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AncoraSpanishHeadRules |
AncoraSpanishHeadRules.HeadRulesSerializer.create(InputStream in) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static void |
ParserEventStream.main(String[] args) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static POSDictionary |
POSDictionary.create(InputStream in)
Creates a new
POSDictionary from a provided InputStream . |
static POSTaggerFactory |
POSTaggerFactory.create(String subclassName,
Dictionary ngramDictionary,
TagDictionary posDictionary) |
TagDictionary |
POSTaggerFactory.createTagDictionary(File dictionary) |
TagDictionary |
POSTaggerFactory.createTagDictionary(InputStream in) |
static POSSample |
POSSample.parse(String sentenceString) |
void |
POSTaggerFactory.validateArtifactMap() |
protected void |
POSModel.validateArtifactMap() |
protected void |
POSTaggerFactory.validatePOSDictionary(POSDictionary posDict,
AbstractModel posModel) |
Constructor and Description |
POSModel(File modelFile) |
POSModel(InputStream in) |
POSModel(URL modelURL) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SentenceDetectorFactory |
SentenceDetectorFactory.create(String subclassName,
String languageCode,
boolean useTokenEnd,
Dictionary abbreviationDictionary,
char[] eosCharacters) |
static void |
SentenceModel.main(String[] args) |
protected void |
SentenceModel.validateArtifactMap() |
void |
SentenceDetectorFactory.validateArtifactMap() |
Constructor and Description |
SentenceModel(File modelFile) |
SentenceModel(InputStream in) |
SentenceModel(URL modelURL) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TokenizerFactory |
TokenizerFactory.create(String subclassName,
String languageCode,
Dictionary abbreviationDictionary,
boolean useAlphaNumericOptimization,
Pattern alphaNumericPattern)
Factory method the framework uses create a new
TokenizerFactory . |
protected void |
TokenizerModel.validateArtifactMap() |
void |
TokenizerFactory.validateArtifactMap() |
Constructor and Description |
DetokenizationDictionary(InputStream in) |
TokenizerModel(File modelFile)
Initializes the current instance.
TokenizerModel(InputStream in)
Initializes the current instance.
TokenizerModel(URL modelURL)
Initializes the current instance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static BaseToolFactory |
BaseToolFactory.create(Class<? extends BaseToolFactory> factoryClass,
ArtifactProvider artifactProvider) |
static BaseToolFactory |
BaseToolFactory.create(String subclassName,
ArtifactProvider artifactProvider) |
abstract void |
Validates the parsed artifacts.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
WordClusterDictionary |
WordClusterDictionary.WordClusterDictionarySerializer.create(InputStream in) |
BrownCluster |
BrownCluster.BrownClusterSerializer.create(InputStream in) |
static AdaptiveFeatureGenerator |
GeneratorFactory.create(InputStream xmlDescriptorIn,
FeatureGeneratorResourceProvider resourceManager)
Creates an
AdaptiveFeatureGenerator from an provided XML descriptor. |
static Map<String,ArtifactSerializer<?>> |
GeneratorFactory.extractCustomArtifactSerializerMappings(InputStream xmlDescriptorIn) |
static List<Element> |
GeneratorFactory.getDescriptorElements(InputStream xmlDescriptorIn)
Provides a list with all the elements in the xml feature descriptor.
abstract void |
CustomFeatureGenerator.init(Map<String,String> properties,
FeatureGeneratorResourceProvider resourceProvider)
Initialized the Custom Feature Generator with defined properties and loaded resources.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
AbstractModel |
GenericModelSerializer.create(InputStream in) |
FeatureGeneratorFactory |
FeatureGeneratorFactorySerializer.create(InputStream in)
Class<?> |
ClassSerializer.create(InputStream in)
T |
ArtifactSerializer.create(InputStream in)
Creates the artifact from the provided
InputStream . |
protected void |
Validates the parsed artifacts.
Constructor and Description |
BaseModel(String componentName,
File modelFile) |
BaseModel(String componentName,
InputStream in)
Initializes the current instance.
BaseModel(String componentName,
URL modelURL) |
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