Package | Description |
---|---| |
Package related to finding non-recursive syntactic annotation such as noun phrase chunks.
| | | |
Package for classifying a document into a category.
| |
Package related to finding proper names and numeric amounts.
| |
Package containing common code for performing full syntactic parsing.
| |
Package containing code for performing full syntactic parsing using shift/reduce-style decisions.
| |
Package containing experimental code for performing full syntactic
parsing using attachment decisions.
| |
Package related to part-of-speech tagging.
| |
Package related to identifying sentece boundries.
| |
Contains classes related to finding token or words in a string.
| |
Package containing utility data structures and algorithms used by multiple other packages.
| |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ChunkerModel |
ChunkerME.train(String lang,
ObjectStream<ChunkSample> in,
ChunkerContextGenerator contextGenerator,
TrainingParameters mlParams)
static ChunkerModel |
ChunkerME.train(String lang,
ObjectStream<ChunkSample> in,
TrainingParameters mlParams,
ChunkerFactory factory) |
Constructor and Description |
ChunkerCrossValidator(String languageCode,
TrainingParameters params,
ChunkerEvaluationMonitor... listeners)
ChunkerCrossValidator(String languageCode,
TrainingParameters params,
ChunkerFactory factory,
ChunkerEvaluationMonitor... listeners) |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
protected TrainingParameters |
AbstractTrainerTool.mlParams |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TrainingParameters |
CmdLineUtil.loadTrainingParameters(String paramFile,
boolean supportSequenceTraining) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DoccatModel |
DocumentCategorizerME.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<DocumentSample> samples,
TrainingParameters mlParams,
DoccatFactory factory) |
static DoccatModel |
DocumentCategorizerME.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<DocumentSample> samples,
TrainingParameters mlParams,
FeatureGenerator... featureGenerators)
Constructor and Description |
DoccatCrossValidator(String languageCode,
TrainingParameters mlParams,
DoccatFactory factory,
DoccatEvaluationMonitor... listeners)
Creates a
DoccatCrossValidator with the given
FeatureGenerator s. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TokenNameFinderModel |
NameFinderME.train(String languageCode,
String type,
ObjectStream<NameSample> samples,
TrainingParameters trainParams,
AdaptiveFeatureGenerator generator,
Map<String,Object> resources)
static TokenNameFinderModel |
NameFinderME.train(String languageCode,
String type,
ObjectStream<NameSample> samples,
TrainingParameters trainParams,
byte[] featureGeneratorBytes,
Map<String,Object> resources)
static TokenNameFinderModel |
NameFinderME.train(String languageCode,
String type,
ObjectStream<NameSample> samples,
TrainingParameters trainParams,
TokenNameFinderFactory factory) |
Constructor and Description |
TokenNameFinderCrossValidator(String languageCode,
String type,
TrainingParameters trainParams,
byte[] featureGeneratorBytes,
Map<String,Object> resources,
SequenceCodec<String> codec,
TokenNameFinderEvaluationMonitor... listeners)
Name finder cross validator
TokenNameFinderCrossValidator(String languageCode,
String type,
TrainingParameters trainParams,
byte[] featureGeneratorBytes,
Map<String,Object> resources,
TokenNameFinderEvaluationMonitor... listeners) |
TokenNameFinderCrossValidator(String languageCode,
String type,
TrainingParameters trainParams,
TokenNameFinderFactory factory,
TokenNameFinderEvaluationMonitor... listeners) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Dictionary |
AbstractBottomUpParser.buildDictionary(ObjectStream<Parse> data,
HeadRules rules,
TrainingParameters params)
Creates a n-gram dictionary from the specified data stream using the specified head rule and specified cut-off.
Constructor and Description |
ParserCrossValidator(String languageCode,
TrainingParameters params,
HeadRules rules,
ParserType parserType,
ParserEvaluationMonitor... monitors) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ParserModel |
Parser.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples,
HeadRules rules,
TrainingParameters mlParams) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static ParserModel |
Parser.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<Parse> parseSamples,
HeadRules rules,
TrainingParameters mlParams) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static POSModel |
POSTaggerME.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<POSSample> samples,
TrainingParameters trainParams,
POSDictionary tagDictionary,
Dictionary ngramDictionary)
POSTaggerME.train(String, ObjectStream, TrainingParameters, POSTaggerFactory)
instead and pass in a POSTaggerFactory . |
static POSModel |
POSTaggerME.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<POSSample> samples,
TrainingParameters trainParams,
POSTaggerFactory posFactory) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SentenceModel |
SentenceDetectorME.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<SentenceSample> samples,
boolean useTokenEnd,
Dictionary abbreviations,
TrainingParameters mlParams)
static SentenceModel |
SentenceDetectorME.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<SentenceSample> samples,
SentenceDetectorFactory sdFactory,
TrainingParameters mlParams) |
Constructor and Description |
SDCrossValidator(String languageCode,
TrainingParameters params)
SDCrossValidator(String languageCode,
TrainingParameters params,
SentenceDetectorEvaluationMonitor... listeners)
SDCrossValidator.SDCrossValidator(String, TrainingParameters, SentenceDetectorFactory, SentenceDetectorEvaluationMonitor...)
instead and pass in a TrainingParameters object. |
SDCrossValidator(String languageCode,
TrainingParameters params,
SentenceDetectorFactory sdFactory,
SentenceDetectorEvaluationMonitor... listeners) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TokenizerModel |
TokenizerME.train(ObjectStream<TokenSample> samples,
TokenizerFactory factory,
TrainingParameters mlParams)
Trains a model for the
TokenizerME . |
static TokenizerModel |
TokenizerME.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<TokenSample> samples,
boolean useAlphaNumericOptimization,
TrainingParameters mlParams)
static TokenizerModel |
TokenizerME.train(String languageCode,
ObjectStream<TokenSample> samples,
Dictionary abbreviations,
boolean useAlphaNumericOptimization,
TrainingParameters mlParams)
Constructor and Description |
TokenizerCrossValidator(String language,
boolean alphaNumericOptimization,
TrainingParameters params,
TokenizerEvaluationMonitor... listeners)
TokenizerCrossValidator(String language,
Dictionary abbreviations,
boolean alphaNumericOptimization,
TrainingParameters params,
TokenizerEvaluationMonitor... listeners)
TokenizerCrossValidator(TrainingParameters params,
TokenizerFactory factory,
TokenizerEvaluationMonitor... listeners) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TrainingParameters |
TrainingParameters.defaultParams() |
TrainingParameters |
TrainingParameters.getParameters(String namespace) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static TrainingParameters |
Creates the default training parameters in case they are not provided.
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