Class LinkedSpan<T extends BaseLink>

Type Parameters:
T - The generic type that specializes a BaseLink.
All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Span>

public class LinkedSpan<T extends BaseLink> extends Span
A default, extended Span that holds additional information about a Span.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • LinkedSpan

      public LinkedSpan(ArrayList<T> linkedEntries, int s, int e, String type)
      Initializes a new LinkedSpan. Sets the prob to 0 as default.
      linkedEntries - The n best linked entries from an external data source.
      s - The start position of a Span. Must be equal to or greater than 0. Must not be greater than e.
      e - The end position of a Span, which is +1 more than the last element in the span. Must be equal to or greater than 0.
      type - The type of the span.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if given parameters are invalid.
    • LinkedSpan

      public LinkedSpan(ArrayList<T> linkedEntries, int s, int e, String type, double prob)
      Initializes a new LinkedSpan.
      linkedEntries - The n best linked entries from an external data source.
      s - The start position of a Span. Must be equal to or greater than 0. Must not be greater than e.
      e - The end position of a Span, which is +1 more than the last element in the span. Must be equal to or greater than 0.
      type - The type of the span.
      prob - The probability of the Span.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if given parameters are invalid.
    • LinkedSpan

      public LinkedSpan(ArrayList<T> linkedEntries, int s, int e)
      Initializes a new LinkedSpan.
      linkedEntries - The n best linked entries from an external data source.
      s - The start position of a Span. Must be equal to or greater than 0. Must not be greater than e.
      e - The end position of a Span, which is +1 more than the last element in the span. Must be equal to or greater than 0.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if given parameters are invalid.
    • LinkedSpan

      public LinkedSpan(ArrayList<T> linkedEntries, Span span, int offset)
      Initializes a new LinkedSpan via an existing Span which is shifted by the specified offset.
      linkedEntries - The n best linked entries from an external data source.
      span - The existing Span.
      offset - The positive or negative shift offset.
      IllegalArgumentException - Thrown if given parameters are invalid.
  • Method Details

    • getLinkedEntries

      public ArrayList<T> getLinkedEntries()
      Retrieves the n best linked entries from an external data source. For instance, this will hold gazetteer entries for a search into a geonames gazetteer.
    • setLinkedEntries

      public void setLinkedEntries(ArrayList<T> linkedEntries)
      linkedEntries - The n best linked entries from an external data source. For instance, this will hold gazetteer entries for a search into a geonames gazetteer.
    • getSentenceid

      public int getSentenceid()
      Retrieves the id or index of the sentence from which this span was extracted.
    • setSentenceid

      public void setSentenceid(int sentenceid)
      sentenceid - The id or index of the sentence from which this span was extracted.
    • getSearchTerm

      public String getSearchTerm()
      Retrieves the search term that was used to link this span to an external data source.
    • setSearchTerm

      public void setSearchTerm(String searchTerm)
      searchTerm - The search term that is used to link this span to an external data source.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Span
      A human-readable representation of this Span.
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Span
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Span