Class GISModel

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class GISModel extends AbstractModel
A maximum entropy model which has been trained using the Generalized Iterative Scaling (GIS) procedure.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • GISModel

      public GISModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, String[] outcomeNames)
      Initializes a GISModel with the specified parameters, outcome names, and predicate/feature labels.
      params - The parameters of the model.
      predLabels - The names of the predicates used in this model.
      outcomeNames - The names of the outcomes this model predicts.
    • GISModel

      public GISModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, String[] outcomeNames, Prior prior)
      Initializes a GISModel with the specified parameters, outcome names, and predicate/feature labels.
      params - The parameters of the model.
      predLabels - The names of the predicates used in this model.
      outcomeNames - The names of the outcomes this model predicts.
      prior - The Prior to be used with this model.
  • Method Details

    • eval

      public double[] eval(String[] context)
      Evaluates a context and return an array of the likelihood of each outcome given that context.
      context - The names of the predicates which have been observed at the present decision point.
      The normalized probabilities for the outcomes given the context. The indexes of the double[] are the outcome ids, and the actual string representation of the outcomes can be obtained from the method AbstractModel.getOutcome(int).
    • eval

      public double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values)
      Evaluates a context with the specified context values.
      context - An array of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
      values - The values associated with each context.
      An array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
    • eval

      public double[] eval(String[] context, double[] outsums)
      Evaluates a context.
      context - An array of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
      outsums - An array which is populated with the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
      An array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
    • eval

      public double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values, double[] outsums)
      Evaluates a context and return an array of the likelihood of each outcome given that context.
      context - The names of the predicates which have been observed at the present decision point.
      outsums - This is where the distribution is stored.
      The normalized probabilities for the outcomes given the context. The indexes of the double[] are the outcome ids, and the actual string representation of the outcomes can be obtained from the method AbstractModel.getOutcome(int).
    • eval

      public static double[] eval(int[] context, double[] prior, EvalParameters model)
      Evaluates a context and return an array of the likelihood of each outcome given the specified context and the specified parameters.
      context - The integer values of the predicates which have been observed at the present decision point.
      prior - The prior distribution for the specified context.
      model - The set of parameters used in this computation.
      The normalized probabilities for the outcomes given the context. The indexes of the double[] are the outcome ids, and the actual string representation of the outcomes can be obtained from the method AbstractModel.getOutcome(int).
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class AbstractModel
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class AbstractModel