Klasse NaiveBayesModel

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class NaiveBayesModel extends AbstractModel
A MaxentModel implementation of the multinomial Naive Bayes classifier model.
Siehe auch:
  • Konstruktordetails

    • NaiveBayesModel

      public NaiveBayesModel(Context[] params, String[] predLabels, String[] outcomeNames)
      Initializes a NaiveBayesModel.
      params - The parameters to set.
      predLabels - The predicted labels.
      outcomeNames - The names of the outcomes.
  • Methodendetails

    • eval

      public double[] eval(String[] context)
      Evaluates a context.
      context - An array of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
      Gibt zurück:
      An array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
    • eval

      public double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values)
      Evaluates a context with the specified context values.
      context - An array of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
      values - The values associated with each context.
      Gibt zurück:
      An array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
    • eval

      public double[] eval(String[] context, double[] probs)
      Evaluates a context.
      context - An array of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
      probs - An array which is populated with the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
      Gibt zurück:
      An array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
    • eval

      public double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values, double[] outsums)
    • eval

      public static double[] eval(int[] context, double[] prior, EvalParameters model)
      Evaluates a NaiveBayesModel.
      context - The context parameters as int[].
      prior - The data prior to the evaluation as double[].
      model - The EvalParameters used for evaluation.
      Gibt zurück:
      The resulting evaluation data as double[].