Schnittstelle MaxentModel

Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:
AbstractModel, GISModel, NaiveBayesModel, PerceptronModel, QNModel

public interface MaxentModel
Interface for maximum entropy models.
  • Methodenübersicht

    Modifizierer und Typ
    eval(String[] context)
    Evaluates a context.
    eval(String[] context, double[] probs)
    Evaluates a context.
    eval(String[] context, float[] values)
    Evaluates a context with the specified context values.
    getAllOutcomes(double[] outcomes)
    Retrieves a string matching all the outcome names with all the probabilities produced by the eval(String[]) method.
    getBestOutcome(double[] outcomes)
    Retrieves the outcome associated with the index containing the highest probability in the double[].
    getIndex(String outcome)
    Retrieves the index associated with the String name of the given outcome.
    getOutcome(int i)
    Retrieves the String name of the outcome associated with the index i.
  • Methodendetails

    • eval

      double[] eval(String[] context)
      Evaluates a context.
      context - An array of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
      Gibt zurück:
      An array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
    • eval

      double[] eval(String[] context, double[] probs)
      Evaluates a context.
      context - An array of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
      probs - An array which is populated with the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
      Gibt zurück:
      An array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
    • eval

      double[] eval(String[] context, float[] values)
      Evaluates a context with the specified context values.
      context - An array of String names of the contextual predicates which are to be evaluated together.
      values - The values associated with each context.
      Gibt zurück:
      An array of the probabilities for each of the different outcomes, all of which sum to 1.
    • getBestOutcome

      String getBestOutcome(double[] outcomes)
      Retrieves the outcome associated with the index containing the highest probability in the double[].
      outcomes - A double[] as returned by the eval(String[]) method.
      Gibt zurück:
      The String name of the best outcome.
    • getAllOutcomes

      String getAllOutcomes(double[] outcomes)
      Retrieves a string matching all the outcome names with all the probabilities produced by the eval(String[]) method.
      outcomes - A double[] as returned by the eval(String[]) method.
      Gibt zurück:
      String containing outcome names paired with the normalized probability (contained in the double[] ocs) for each one.
    • getOutcome

      String getOutcome(int i)
      Retrieves the String name of the outcome associated with the index i.
      i - The index for which the name of the associated outcome is desired.
      Gibt zurück:
      The String name of the outcome
    • getIndex

      int getIndex(String outcome)
      Retrieves the index associated with the String name of the given outcome.
      outcome - The String name of the outcome for which the index is desired,
      Gibt zurück:
      The index if the given outcome label exists for this model, -1 if it does not.
    • getNumOutcomes

      int getNumOutcomes()
      Gibt zurück:
      Retrieves the number of outcomes for this model.